Dr. Joel Gaillard
Dr. Joel Gaillard is an author of publications in international scientific journals, he has delivered several keynotes and invited presentations, and over 80 oral conferences and paper presentations. He is working in the field of physical education and school failure for French Ministry of Education and in the field of youth physical activity and management for the Department of Physical Education and Sports of University of Lorraine. Dr. Joel Gaillard actively participates in scientific activities at the international level: member of Scientific Expert and member of several international scientific institutions: ALESDE, EN3S, INSHS, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Member of several Editorial Board (Spark …) He is a leader and member in a number of scientific, study and experimental development projects at national and international levels:
- Elen2learn: Explore and promote the contribution of ICT and digital media in supporting the development of learning to learn competencies in lifelong learning transitions.( elearn2learn project explained)
- Alive and Kicking : is a program based on the humanitarian values of E.PSY.ME aided by the knowledge provided by Sport Psychology and its beneficial impact on people’s lives (www.alive-kicking.org)
- School failure and vocational school: Our academic work tends to propose and design a new teaching schedule named the “Three Dimensional Alternative Process”.
- Sport, territories and social issues: sports practices evolved from a leisure activity into wide extent because of the collective infatuation that sport generates
- Sports practices and disabilities: The main goal is to try to understand why and how sports activities can help to generate a transformation of self and social perception of our identity.