Dr. Jose Antonio Perez Turpin

Category: Doctor in Sport Sciences, by the University of Alicante Academic training:
- Doctor by the University of Alicante
- Bachelor in Physical Education from the University of Granada
- Degree in Psycho pedagogy from the University of Alicante
- Master Specialist in Physical Education by the University of Alicante
Teaching experience: Since 01/10/2000 he was a professor at the University of Alicante, a collaborating professor, a collaborating professor, a hired teacher and a University Professor. Teaching Merits: 5 triennials and 3 quinquennials of teaching Merits Researchers: 2 research sections by the Ministery of Education (2003-2008 and 2009-2015) Lines of research: During these years he carried out research in the main areas, carried out the sports initiation and the other on the analysis of sports performance, conducting the direction of 15 doctoral theses, leading 31 research projects and publication of 108 articles, of which 34 papers are published in Jouranal Citatión Report Directed theses: 15 Other Academic Merits: Member of the Editorial Board of 7 journals in the Journal Citation Report Other Professional Merits: 1.-Physical Trainer of the Lucentum Basketball Club (ACB) 2.-Physical trainer of the Spanish selection of beach volleyball